
Project Overview

Passion Project
Research, UX, UI, Branding, and Testing
7 weeks

About Grace

Grace is an iOS app that will focus on an individual’s body transformation journey (more commonly known as weight loss). This app will help identify the user's progress outside of the number on the scale. The scale is the most common measurement tool in a body transformation and is often what people solely use to define their success.

The problem

People who use the scale can get discouraged if their weight fluctuates which is inevitable due to many different factors. This overshadows the non-scale progress that they have made in their journey like lifting heavier weights or running a faster mile. This app is a tool to help recognize the progress they have made in their journey outside of the number on the scale.

The Challenge

Create an app that will help people identify body transformation progress outside of the scale weight

The Solution

This app allows users to input their proud moments and receive highlights about the moments in their journeys they may have forgotten about. They also have the opportunity to join challenges where they can build a community with others that are participating.


What's your story?

To start this project I needed to hear people’s stories. I searched for participants through forums/Instagram and asked if they were willing to share their stories. These conversations were crucial because I needed to understand what motivates people to not use the scale as a measurement for success.

"I have to be kinder to myself."

"I did something positive health wise and I'm getting punished for it on the scale."

"If I want to go far, I have to take a step back."

I was cognizant that this can be a very personal and emotional topic to an individual. Each conversation included stories about how the scale discourages them to the point where they don't see any progress. This solidified the need for this app.

Needs and Features

Across each unique body transformation journey, I identified similar user needs to breakaway from the scale that this app can help solve for.  In the next sections, I will explain what features I designed for each need.


Need: Quick way to gauge progression

People use the scale because it is a fast way to check their progress. They know that there are other ways to measure success but they feel it takes too long and need a quicker option.

Feature: Proud Moment

I designed the "Proud Moment" as a way for users to input their wins, big or small. This will allow for them to log all their proud moments so that they can look back at their journey.

I designed three versions of the landing screen wireframes with the goal of making it easy for a user to quickly jot down a proud moment. I moved forward with version 3 because it allowed for flexibility in adding photos without having to alter the size of the screen or popup. This size variation would have required additional scrolling to submit the proud moment.

Version 1
Version 2
Version 3

Feature: Journey Highlight

The journey highlight will remind users of previous proud moments. The goal of this feature is to encourage the users about moments they were proud of themselves outside of the scale that they may have forgotten about.

This feature is located on the "Journey" screen where the user will also find the proud moment form and the journey recap. This is the one stop where the user can add and review their milestones.

Need: Creating a community to stay motivated

Individuals feel more supported knowing they are in it with people that have similar interests. This keeps them  motivated and accountable.

Community Challenges + Interactions

I designed the challenges feature so users can participate and create a community with others that are doing the challenge. They have the opportunity to see who is participating in the challenge and the proud moments that others have shared.

Need: Define new types of measurements

People need a way to track their journey so they can define new types of measurements. Some people know there are other ways they can track their improvement but they don't have a way to regularly see it.

Feature: Side by Side Photos

I learned in the research that people take photos to track their progress but often times the photos get lost in their camera album. I designed the feature where users can upload photos side by side so they can compare how they've improved.

I conducted usability testing on my initial "Side by Side" design and put together an affinity map of my findings. My initial design included the side by side comparison as a secondary flow after a proud moment posted. After testing, I discovered users were confused about this and wanted this to be an option upfront.

I redesigned a new user flow chart that allows for the user to add a secondary photo after the initial photo. This was implemented in the final design.


This was a challenging project because it dealt with how an individual encourages themselves through a journey which can be emotional. I did enjoy the process because it is a topic that I very passionate about.

One thing I would do differently was to perform a usability test of the side by side photos during the wireframe phase. I would have been able to catch where users were confused before designing the final UI.

After a year of designing this app, I decided to revamp the UI to give it a lighter, simpler look. The original UI felt very heavy with the darker colors and large buttons. This could look very busy when there is a lot of information especially in the journey recap. The new UI uses neutral colors with accents of the purple and yellow to tie it back to the branding.

Next Steps

This was originally a student project that turned into a passion project. I will continue to work on building out the rest of the features and screens. The ultimate goal would be to work with a developer to create this app launch in the future.

Final Designs


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